ASAP - Key Persons

Shin Osawa

Job Titles:
  • Representative Director
Semiconductors can be found inside almost all electronic devices. Semiconductors have become such an indispensable part of our lives that it is no exaggeration to say we would have trouble living without them. And they are continuing to evolve. The evolution of semiconductors has spurred the widespread adoption of smartphones, replaced conventional lighting with eco-friendly LEDs, and helped create a world where everyone has equal access to information. Driverless cars and other developments straight out of science fiction are now just beyond the horizon. Of course the evolution of the semiconductor would not have been possible without the evolution of semiconductor producing equipment, but I also believe that these physical objects cannot keep evolving unless the people and organizations-or in other words, companies-working on them also continue to evolve. I hope that ASAP will adopt cutting edge technologies while also preserving old ones, accept diverse perspectives to produce new ideas, and maintain a flexible frame of mind to adapt to sudden changes in the environment and continue evolving. Semiconductors are no more than an assemblage of metal and resin parts. However, it is a fact that the equipment designed by an overly cautious engineer operates with an unnatural preciseness, while that designed by a logical and calm engineer runs stably over a long period of time. Despite being assembled from inanimate objects, the final product reflects the personality, intentions, and emotions of the person who made it. An employee who takes pride and joy in making semiconductors which enrich people's lives and adopts a positive attitude whilst going about his or her work, he or she will find that the resulting products satisfy and impress our customers.