Alexandru MICU

Job Titles:
  • General Manager
Alexandru MICU, General Manager Globe Ground Romania A sharp negotiation partner, who invariably understands exactly what an Aviation Industry business project is from the outset, and whose strategic vision transformed standard collaboration between companies in mutually successful long term partnerships

Dr Delia Dimitriu

Job Titles:
  • IPCC Expert
Dr Delia Dimitriu, IPCC expert on Climate Change I have appreciated very much the expertise and dedicated approach to sustainability and their belief that a balance between socio-economic benefits on one side, and environment on the other, must be achieved, no matter what the challenges may be.

Michael Wisbrun

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director SkyTeam Alliance With
Michael Wisbrun, Managing Director SkyTeam Alliance With years of experience and deep knowledge of Project Management, Aviation East has changed our view on PM activities and developed tools and systems allowing to follow milestones and deliverables in real time.

Terry Eisenbart

Job Titles:
  • Executive VP - Operations & Marketing Aloft Aviation the
Terry Eisenbart, Executive VP - Operations & Marketing Aloft Aviation The partnership of Aloft Aviation Consulting and Aviation East aligns relevant operational expertise with years of "hands on" experience in complementary areas of performance.