AXTAX - Key Persons

Ahlberg Auna

Job Titles:
  • Owner
Ahlberg K. Auna E.A. is the principal person you will be working with at (Axtax Inc.). Ahlberg is an Enrolled Agent (E.A.) which is a designation from the IRS as one recognized and fully qualified to practice in the area of US Federal Taxation. Mr. Auna is also an Accredited Tax Advisor (ATA). He is a member of the National Association of Enrolled Agents (, the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers ( and the Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation ( He is a Fellow with the National Tax Practice Institute (NTPI) and currently is studying towards his Masters in Taxation. Ahlberg Auna E.A. has been in the trenches fighting for his clients and resolving tax problem cases before the IRS for almost 30 years. He has been extremely successful with the kind of results he has obtained for his clients with an average negotiation settlement ranging from 3 percent of the taxes owed and upward. One reason why Ahlberg Auna E.A. has been so effective is because he worked for the IRS for 5-years as a tax auditor. This means he knows how the IRS thinks and how to maximize his knowledge for ultimate effectiveness for his clients.

Tia Auna

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager
With degrees in Business Management and Accounting, is co-founder of Axtax, Inc. She has been involved in a variety of roles from support to trouble shooting clients' recording keeping issues. Currently, she handles administrative matters for the firm and provides counter strategies for tax problem cases. Originally from the South Pacific, Tia brings to the Pacific Northwest an international perspective of business and economics. Experienced in banking and finances, she has added value and expertise to AxTax.