Updated 59 days ago
Personality instruments that are well researched and well designed can help us tune in to key aspects of who we are. They are designed to reveal ourselves to ourselves. Psychological Type instruments are developed to suggest possible best-fit type patterns. While some instruments are more thoroughly researched than others---they are not always 100 percent accurate on all four of the letters that are used to summarize personality characteristics... If your new to discovering your personality type---allow yourself to "try on" more than one type pattern to see which one fits you the best. If you have had exposure to psychological type instruments, set aside any assumptions you have about your best-fit type pattern... Best-fit type refers to the type pattern that fits you best. No one description or pattern will be a perfect match to all of who you are. Your personality is rich and complex, and a "type" or type pattern cannot adequately express all of that richness. Each of the sixteen..