Updated 25 days ago
P.O Box 54505 Lexington, KY 40555
The Bluegrass Cross Connection Prevention Association (BGCCPA) is a not-for-profit association representing an alliance of individuals with the common interest of protecting public water supplies from contamination by cross-connections. The purpose of the Association is to help protect the public water supplies by preventing unauthorized and dangerous connections. Our membership includes plumbers; mechanical and plumbing contractors and associations; fire sprinkler system contractors; irrigation specialists; public and private water and wastewater system operators; architects; engineers; governmental officials; and general industry... BGCCPA has a certification board that certifies backflow prevention device testers. The training of individuals to become certified backflow prevention device testers and maintaining their certification is a primary focus of the BGCCPA. Backflow prevention device testers are required to successfully complete a training course approved by the BGCCPA. For..
Also known as: BGCCPA
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