Updated 10 days ago
165 Worcester Street Wellesley Hills, MA 02481
At BBDC we know that obtaining the most detailed images through our advanced technology is just part of the equation. When it comes to early detection, a center must have the expert staff to be able to interpret the images. BBDC is proud to be led by Medical Director, Dr. Elsie Levin. Dr. Levin is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on breast imaging. She has read more than 20,000 breast MRI studies alone and her experience is unparalleled...
BBDC offers a full range of services, from digital mammography to ultrasound, to breast MRI using the Aurora® Dedicated Breast MRI System, as well as full biopsy capabilities...
At BBDC we believe that educated patients are one of the best weapons in the early detection of breast disease.
Also known as: BBDC