Bruno Rennó

Bruno Rennó is a passionate birder and his journey began as a child and since 1998 he has dedicated himself tirelessly to the activity. His passion for birds led him to study biology at university, with an emphasis on ornithology. Bruno has accumulated more than 25 years' experience in fieldwork, traveling regularly throughout Brazil, exploring the country's diverse ecosystems. His vast experience has allowed him to compile an extensive collection of photos and sounds of Brazilian birds, with more than 1,500 species recorded. In 2012 he made up the team that represented Brazil in the first World Birding Rally Challenge held in Peru, an important milestone in his career, where he had the opportunity to represent his country and share his passion and knowledge with other bird admirers from all over the world. Bruno's love of birding and his enthusiasm in the field have made him a Birding Guide with over 15 years' experience, where he appreciates and values the opportunity to share his knowledge with other birders, guiding them on expeditions to different regions of Brazil. His ability to find and identify species, including rarities, makes him a valuable resource for those seeking an authentic birdwatching experience in the country.

Dr. Alberto Resende Monteiro

Job Titles:
  • Advisor

DR. Renato Torres Pinheiro

Job Titles:
  • Advisor

Eugenio Souza

Eugenio was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro. So, he knows it, like no one. Recently, he started coming along in our Birding Tours. If, his knowledge on birds still needs progress, in other hand, he understands, perfectly, the needs of the birdwatchers & knows, already, the very best locations for birds, such Itatiaia and REGUA.

Hudson Martins

Hudson was born and raised at the foothills of the Itatiaia National Park. Hes is shall earn a Bachelor Degree in Biology, in a near future. Thiago Rodrigues Boute Expeditions, has guides-in-site, in most of the Brazilian Northeast States: Bahia, Pernambuco, Sergipe, Ceará and Mararanhão! Hudson was born and raised at the foothills of the Itatiaia National Park. Hes shall earn a Bachelor Degree in Biology, in a near future. Hudson is not fluent in English. But, he as a very deep knowledge on Birds.

Marcelo Barbosa

Marcelo Barbosa is a biologist - ornithologist and master in ecotone ecology. He has lived in the state of Tocantins since 1999 and has been a local guide in Tocantins since 2011 (Tocantins Birding). He knows the best birding sites well and works mainly in the central region, around Palmas - TO and in the region of the Araguaia River basin, where the main highlights are Kaempfer's Woodpecker, Araguaia Cardinal, Bananal Antbird, Araguaia Spinetail and a new species of Spinetail (undescribed form) known as Araguaia River Spinetail, among others endemic and threated birds with range of State of Tocantins.

Paulo Boute

Paulo Boute was born in a ranch near Iguassu Falls. So, since a very early age he was, literally, in touch with the Brazilian Birds: His older brother used to collect birds so, very often he had the chance of holding them with his own hands! Paulo Boute is the most experienced guide with more than 42 years of Field Experience, having more than a thousand trips to the Pantanal.

Raphael Santos

Experience to guide birding groups around many portions of Brazil, including Amazon Forest, Pantanal, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Araucaria Forest, Southern Wetlands and Pampas. Raphael was born in Curitiba, South Brazil, showing interest in wild animals since he was a little child. In 2001 started his studies on bird communities, as soon as he entered the university. Until nowadays, he spent more then 9 years dedicating his full time to the birds. His experience provides him knowledge to guide birding groups around many portions of Brazil, including Amazon Forest, Pantanal, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Araucaria Forest, Southern Wetlands and Pampas. Last year he coordinated the study group and wrote the book Action Plans for Threatened Species in Paraná State. He had published several scientific articles in specialized magazines in South America and he is also the co-author of the book Birds of Curitiba: a Records Collection. Actually, he have been leading lots of groups and he has experience with the birds of Brazil, Australia, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay and Bolivia. He's also an environmental consultant and develop studies for many important companies like Petrobrás, ALL, Renault do Brasil, Eletrosul, Furnas Centrais Elétricas, etc. He is good with bird song and have an important collection of rare birds recordings. He is very friendly and a responsible person.

Regina Ribeiro

Regina's great interest in nature and travel led her to get a first degree in Tourism, concentrating her studies on environmental science, eco-tourism and biology. Since 1996, she has led Natural History tours in different eco-systems in Brazil, her native country. She has written articles about birds and is enthusiastic about sharing her knowledge with others. She speaks English and Spanish fluently. Nowadays she is based in Belo Horizonte, the third largest city in Brazil.

René Santos

René Santos is a native of São Paulo, where he also graduated on biology sciences in 2005.

Ricardo Casarin

He has been engaged with natural tourism activity since 1998, offering Bike rental service to the tourists in Chapada dos Guimarães, MT Ricardo Viegas Casarin was born in Dourados, South Mato Grosso state. He has been engaged with natural tourism activity since 1998, offering Mountain Bike rental service to the tourists in Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso state. As a Guide, Ricardo has been leading tours in the Cerrado and Pantanal since late 90's. Nowadays his abrangence area has extended to other Mato Grosso's destinations such as South of Amazon in Alta Floresta. Brazilian Tourism Board (Embratur) Certified Guide, Ricardo is one of the best Birdwatching and Natural History guides in Brazil. To achieve that, he is always aprimorate his knowledge and techniques, by taking courses and participating of meetings and conferences of the subject. In 2010 Ricardo was invited to teach a course for the state environmental office of Tocantins state (NATURATINS), to teach, natural history guiding, bird watching guiding and wild life photography guiding for the technical workers as a biologists, zoologists and guides. Always giving lectures at the tour guide courses and to the technical federal school in Cuiabá, also at the UEMS, The stadual university of Mato Grosso do Sul state. He has a great experience guiding wild life photographers bringing the best spot s and angles. He is coauthor of the book, MANUAL DO GUIA DE TURISMO EM AREA NATURAL ((Editora entrelinhas, 2011) with Leila Cunha. Ricardo lives in Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso state, with his wife and 2 children.

Ricardo Parrini

Parrini is a picturesque guide that can take you not only get to know the birds, but also their natural history and the diverse relantionships that these animals establish with fruits, flowers and other resources. owleged and expertise he had built up, specially in the fields of Biogeography, Taxonomy and Bird Vocalizations, led Parrini to start a career as birding guide in 1998. Since then he has organized trips for private customers and has also worked for companies, such as Birding Brazil Tour, Boute Expeditions (Brazil) and Bird Holidays (UK). Along with other Brazilian ornithologists, Parrini published several articles in Brazilian and international journals and magazines.

Robson Czaban

Robson Czaban was born in county of Resende, on the outback of the Brazilian State of Rio de Janeiro. He got interested on birds, after a trip to the Pantanal, in the 80´s. By that time, he was living in Brasilia where he started to photograph birds from the Brazilian Savanah, known as "Cerrado". He also started investing time and money to improve his bird skills. He is living, in Manaus, since 1996, which gave him the opportunity to have a "jump" on the number of birds, seen & photographed by him: Over one million photos!!! At he has published 8.400 photos of 1,430 different species.

Thiago Rodrigues

Thiago Rodrigues lives at the State of Mararanhão, near the border with the Brazilian State of Piauí. He also guides at the following Brazilian States: Bahia, Pernambuco, Ceará and Paraíba. At the State of Maranhão he is familiar with a (still unknown) site for the Golden Parakeet. Travelling with Thiago Rodrigues, despite of his basic English, it will be a wonderful experience, not just for watching some of the rare of the rarest Brazilian Birds, but, also having the chance of photographing them, since, he has photography skills & knows all the tricks to have the birds under the perfect angle and light!