David Wallensteen

Dave was born and raised in Salmon Arm and enjoys serving the families of the community through the funeral home. Although a forest technician by trade, Dave graduated from the Canadian College of Funeral Service in 2009. Dave enjoys a variety of endurance sports and is an active member of the Larch Hills Nordic Society. He makes his home in the Grandview Bench area with his wife, Terry. They have two grown children, Trevor and Sarah, and two grandsons.

Holly Malashewsky

Holly has spent the majority of her life here in the Shuswap, raising her three children and serving the community as a Birth Doula, End of Life Doula, Prenatal Yoga Teacher, Nurse and now in death care at Bowers as an Office Administrator and Cremationist. In her down time, she can be found in nature with her children and dog, or out and about visiting friends.

Jack Bowers

Born and raised in Salmon Arm, Jack lives in Salmon Arm with his wife, Gayle. He purchased the funeral home in 1972 from his father, Thomas Bowers. Along with funeral service, Jack has many other endeavours to keep himself busy. In past years, he has been involved in local business and plays an active role in the community. He was a long-term member of the board of the Salmar Community Association and enjoys giving back to the community. Jack also enjoys staying active as an avid cyclist and runner, completing four Ironman Triathlons over the years.

Kevin Bolen

Born and raised in Enderby, Kevin lives in Salmon Arm with his wife, Jacquie. Kevin started working at Bowers Funeral Service part-time while still attending school in 1980. After graduation in 1982, Kevin enrolled in the BC Funeral Service Apprenticeship Program. Kevin has served as a director on the board of the BC Family Funeral Association and is a past president of the Shuswap Hospice Society.

Mark Vieira

Mark grew up in Abbotsford, BC where he lived until the summer of 2019. He then settled in Salmon Arm along with most of his family. Mark recently joined the Bowers team as a Transfer Agent and Apprentice Funeral Director and Embalmer and is quickly becoming more immersed in the world of funeral service. His passions include many physical activities such as weightlifting, hot yoga, snowboarding and hiking.

Payton Geall

Payton moved to Salmon Arm November of 2019. She joined the Bowers team as a Transfer Agent and also holds many responsibilities within the Funeral Home. Payton is a member of a Volunteer Fire Department and is also an Emergency Medical Responder. When Payton has spare time, she spends it doing various activity's outdoors.

Roberta Ripplinger

Roberta was born in Estevan, SK and spent most of her formative years in the US and the prairie provinces. Her work in funeral service began in 1996 in Regina, SK at Lee Funeral Home as an Aftercare Specialist. She then worked as an Administrator, acquired her license as a Funeral Director during those years and moved into managing that location in 2002. Following a 4-year break from funeral service, working with special needs equipment and then managing an independent living complex in Regina called Queen Victoria Estates, she returned to funeral service at Speers Funeral Chapel, also in Regina and enjoyed 11 fulfilling years there. Roberta has three married daughters, and nine grandchildren so her time away from work is usually spent visiting one or more of those families. She enjoys the outdoors, exploring the beauty in and around Salmon Arm. She also loves to have company, sharing time with all her new friends. Roberta is also a certified End of Life Doula offering support to our community. An unexpected opportunity presented itself here in Salmon Arm and Roberta jumped at the chance to experience a total new part of the country as well as a new group of funeral professionals, all of which have been such a gift to her. She continues to express her love of this work and the honor that it is! She is always open to chatting about her work, providing education, answering questions and providing encouragement. Please drop by Bowers anytime!