Job Titles:
- General Manager
- General Manager of Integrated Water Services
The GM of Integrated Water services is responsible for the operation, maintenance, infrastructure engineering and capital improvements for the regional water and wastewater systems in the CRD, as well as the water and wastewater systems in the local service areas of the CRD.
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Corporate Communications
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Watershed Protection
Job Titles:
- Manager, First Nations Relations
Job Titles:
- Manager, Executive Operations
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Technology & Digital Transformation
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Human Resources and Corporate Safety
Job Titles:
- Chairman of the Board
- CRD Chair
Job Titles:
- Acting Senior Manager, SSI Administration
Job Titles:
- Manager, Business Support Services
Job Titles:
- Manager, Strategic Planning
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Environmental Protection
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, JDF Local Area Services
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Wastewater Infrastructure Operations
Job Titles:
- Manager, Risk & Insurance
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Infrastructure Engineering
Job Titles:
- Manager, SGI Administration
Job Titles:
- General Manager
- General Manager of Planning and Protective Services
The GM of Planning and Protective Services is responsible for services and programs for regional planning, local area community planning, health facilities planning, emergency preparedness, bylaw enforcement, animal care and building inspection, as well as the Housing Secretariat and the administrative role that oversees the Capital Region Housing Corporation.
Job Titles:
- Corporate Officer
- General Manager of Corporate Services
The GM of Corporate Services is responsible for legislative and information services; legal services, risk and insurance; real estate and property services; Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area administration; and First Nations relations. In addition, the GM of Corporate Services is designated as Corporate Officer as outlined in the Local Government Act.
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Panorama Recreation
Job Titles:
- General Manager
- General Manager of Parks, Recreation & Environmental Services
The GM of Parks, Recreation & Environmental Services is responsible for establishing and delivering programs and services that comprehensively focus on policies and initiatives that protect and enhance the capital region's parks and environment including solid and liquid waste management, climate action and stewardship. The GM also is responsible for the two CRD sub-regional recreation services and the Panorama and SEAPARC Recreation Centres.
Job Titles:
- Deputy Corporate Officer
- Manager, Legislative Services
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Health and Capital Planning
Job Titles:
- Acting Senior Manager, Regional Parks
Job Titles:
- Manager, Building Inspection
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible for overseeing all fiscal and fiduciary responsibilities for the CRD and CRHD, including budget and financial services, arts development, assets, risk management, and information technology and geographic information services (GIS). The CFO carries out responsibilities in conjunction with the Board of Directors and the finance, audit, and investment committees of the board.
Job Titles:
- Manager, Climate Action Programs
- Senior Manager, Regional Housing
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Regional Planning
Job Titles:
- Director, Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area Director Profile
Job Titles:
- Acting Senior Manager, Environmental Innovation & Strategy
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Corporate Asset and Maintenance Management
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Environmental Resource Management
Job Titles:
- Island Electoral Area Administration Office
Job Titles:
- Manager, Information Services
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Protective Services
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Water Infrastructure Operations
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Real Estate & SGI Initiatives
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Legal Services & Risk Management
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Facilities Management & Engineering Services
Job Titles:
- Chief Administrative Officer
The CAO ensures Board policies and direction are implemented, oversees the operations and functions of the CRD and aligns the organization to achieve strategic priorities set by the Board. The CAO also provides leadership to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and staff.
Job Titles:
- Senior Manager, Financial Services