Wally Carroll

Wally Carroll began work on his first concertina in the Summer of 2002. This first instrument took a year and a half to complete and was based on a careful study of a 1914 wood ended Wheatstone Linota. Nearly every part (with the exception of the tiny screws that bolt the reed tongues down) was made in Wally's basement workshop. Over the next several months the instrument was played a great deal and received many upgrades. Following the completion of instrument #001, Wally's father, Walt, joined him in the operation and the production screamed ahead at the alarming pace of 2 instruments per year! From there it eventually made it to as many as 6 instruments per year before the operation outgrew the basement shop and was moved to a more appropriate location. Additional help was taken on at this time and production has been on the rise ever since. Currently, we are able to produce about 24 custom made instruments per year.