Updated 326 days ago
58 Paul Drive, Suite D San Rafael, CA 94903
Celadon is an OEM manufacturer of custom remote control and receiver systems. With more than 30 years of experience, Celadon can provide its customers with low volume stock products, higher volume OEM products or completely custom remote control and receiver products for consumer, medical, educational and other applications...
Celadon has a US based sales office with offshore production facilities in South Korea, China and Thailand for OEM/ODM production of custom remote control products. Celadon provides consultation services to help define product requirements, proposals for development and production costs, as well as first article samples for testing and manufacturing approval. Celadon provides shipping logistics for transporting products via ocean or air freight to any global location.
Also known as: Celadon, Inc.
Associated domains: celadon-remote-control.com, celadon-remote.com, custom-ir-remote-control.com, customremotecontrols.com, customtransmitter.com, customtransmitters.com, greenremotes.com, industrial-infrared-remote-controls.com, industrialremote.com, infrared-remote.com, infraredprogrammableremote.com, infraredprogrammableremotes.com, ir-remote-control.com, ir-to-serial.com, irprogrammableremote.com, learning-remote.com, makeremotes.com, medical-remotes.com, medicalremote.com, odm-remote-controls.com, odm-remote.com, odmcustomremote.com, odmremote.com, odmremotecontrol.com, odmtransmitters.com, oeminfrared.com, programmable-remote.com, qualityremote.com, qualityremotes.com, radiofrequencyremotes.com, remotecontrolmanufacturer.com, remotetransmittersystems.com, remtoecontrol.com, rf-remote.com, rf-remotes.com, theremotecontrolsite.com, universalremotesystems.com, usbprogrammableremotes.com