THE C GROUP - Key Persons

Briana Sanserino

Briana has 20 years in the industry of helping people create their dream homes through decorative plumbing, appliances, lighting and hardware. Experience from manufacture to contractor, from production to installation, from design to conception and taking care of all the obstacles that occur along the way. In her spare time as a boy mom, Briana enjoys cheering for her boys on the football fields and basketball courts, dirt bike rides with the family, reading lots of books and she can frequently be spotted riding and eating her way through Disneyland and World as often as possible.

Coby McInnes

Coby has been in the decorative plumbing and hardware business for over 25 years. He enjoys working with his K&B dealers, vendors and The C group team. He can't see working in any other industry. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with family & friends, watching his sons play volleyball, surfing, working out and mountain bike riding.

Kathy Morelli

Kathy is a Native Southern Californian. She has been in sales in the Los Angeles/Orange County area for 18 years. She enjoys spending time with family, friends and traveling. Her love of travel began when she was a Flight Attendant, prior to going into sales. Some of her most memorable places she has traveled has been, Europe, Mexico and Hawaii.

Mark Ruiz

Mark Ruiz has been in the industry for 46 years. At the early age of 14 he started working at his parents hardware store. He went on to manage a hardware store and a plumbing showroom. He has been an outside sales representative for the last 7 years and enjoys educating new associates and keeping up to date on the latest products and technology.

Nicholas McInnes

Nicholas is a California native who recently graduated from Cal State Fullerton. He has customer service and hospitality experience. He is ambitious and ready to learn everything there is to know about, and has great desire to jump into, the kitchen and bath industry. He enjoys learning new things and is driven to succeed in the business. In his free time Nicholas plays in a men's basketball league, is an avid LA Rams and Angels fan, and enjoys working out, traveling, and spending time with his family.

Stuart Klein

Stuart has been in the industry for 40 years from management to sales where he has developed some long term business relationships. He has been married for almost 30 years with three outstanding adult kids. He is originally from Pittsburgh, PA and has resided in Southern California for most of his life and still maintain loyal ties to my hometown sports teams. He enjoys playing various sports, hiking with my wife and friends, and recently walked 150 miles in ten days on the Camino De Santiago in Spain.

Theresa Arnel

Theresa has almost 25 years in the Decorative Plumbing Industry as an outside sales representative specializing in product training, customer relationships, and marketing. She enjoys working with showrooms, designers, and the wholesale industry. Theresa enjoys spending time with family and friends. She also loves a good glass of wine, great food, spending time at the beach, and weekend get-aways with the girls! In her spare time Theresa enjoys reading, going on hikes, and loves a good spa day.