Yan Liu

Job Titles:
  • Senior Associate
With a decade of experience in practicing intellectual property law, Yan has become a seasoned professional. Over the years, she has successfully managed close to 1,000 cases, handling Office Actions and responses. Her expertise spans various aspects of patent law, including reexamination, administrative litigation of patent disputes, and proficiency in PPH procedures. One of her key strengths lies in conducting accurate and reliable invalid prospect analysis, which has greatly satisfied her clientele. Her areas of specialization are diverse, encompassing tires, automobile-related components, electronic components, gas turbines, optical fibers, and more. This breadth of knowledge has allowed her to cater to a wide range of clients with distinct needs. Organized and diligent, she possesses excellent work habits, enabling her to effectively tackle complex and trivial tasks alike. Having spent five years in Japan, she has developed a deep understanding of Japanese thinking and working habits. Beyond her professional achievements, she manages to strike a balance between work and personal interests. During her spare time, she indulges in her passions for music, succulent planting, and handicrafts, which rejuvenate her spirits and further fuel her dedication to excellence in her career.

Yongli Zhao

Job Titles:
  • Associate
Throughout Yongli's extensive tenure in intellectual property, she has been a driving force in foreign practice. Her involvement spans a comprehensive spectrum of patent procedures, from meticulous translation and thorough proofreading to deftly navigating responses to office actions, reexaminations, invalidation requests, and litigation. This multifaceted involvement exemplifies her comprehensive command over the intricacies of intellectual property practice. Currently specializing in the semiconductor and automotive sectors, Zhao has honed a profound understanding and wealth of experience in these dynamic fields. As a patent attorney, she holds the core belief that the cornerstone of her role lies in shouldering responsibility for clients and diligently striving to meet their diverse needs. Every application she handles receives meticulous attention, characterized by her emphasis on precision and a keen eye for detail. Beyond her professional endeavors, Zhao's personal pursuits provide a glimpse into her multifaceted nature. Her penchant for delving into biographies of notable individuals reflects her thirst for diverse ideas and the wisdom that arises from varied life experiences. Through the pages of these biographies, she gains insights that contribute to her personal and professional growth.