Adeola Oloko

Job Titles:
  • Lawyer

Alana Wakula

Job Titles:
  • Treasurer / Lawyer

Kendra Jacobs

Job Titles:
  • Lawyer

Kyla Eiffert

Job Titles:
  • Lawyer / Leland Campbell Kondratoff Persick LLP

Lorie Chambers

Job Titles:
  • Lawyer

Randi J. Arnot

Job Titles:
  • Lawyer
  • Senior Partner at Arnot Heffernan Slobodian Law Office
Randi Arnot is a senior partner at Arnot Heffernan Slobodian Law Office. A past president of Collaborative Professionals of Saskatchewan Inc., Randi is prepared to listen to your concerns and able to negotiate based on what is most important to you. Collaborative Divorce is a process that helps parents to focus on putting the needs of their children first and foremost, and helps spouses to preserve family property. Randi has more than 35 years' experience helping clients obtain the information needed to make good decisions for their future, and building an agreement based on client interests. Collaborative divorce is an alternative to prolonged, emotionally draining legal procedure and empowers people to decide for themselves what a peaceful future means. Collaborative negation has specific rules designed to resolve issues and allow you to move on with your future by agreement. A Divorce Coach, Financial Expert, or Child Specialist are available to be included in collaborative divorce depending on the needs of you and your family. With a strong ally by your side, collaborative divorce is tailored specifically to you and your needs.

Rhiannon Montgomery

Job Titles:
  • President / Lawyer

Victoria Elliott-Erickson

Job Titles:
  • Lawyer