Yitzhak Rabin

Job Titles:
  • National Leader
Yitzhak Rabin fought in the War of Independence, at first as an operations officer and later as commander of the Harel Brigade. In 1963, Rabin was appointed as Israel Defense Force Chief of Staff. After leaving the military, Rabin became a national leader. He was one of Israel's outstanding ambassadors to the United States. When he returned to Israel, Rabin entered politics and served as a member of the Knesset, Minister and Prime Minister. Throughout his political career, he was known for his personal integrity and straight forward approach, for which he was greatly respected. In 1992, the Labor Party, headed by Rabin, was re-elected. As Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Rabin declared a change in national priorities and promised to achieve a peace arrangement. His long years as a soldier instilled in him a desire to bring Peace to the Middle East in order to prevent further bloodshed and ensure a secure and better future. In October 1994 he signed a peace agreement with Jordan, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in the following December. Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated on November 4, 1995, at the end of a mass peace rally "Yes to Peace, No to Violence." Yitzhak Rabin will go down in history as one of the great leaders of the 20th century.