CPRF - History of Changes

2024-05-31 delete person Linus C. Ohaebosim
2024-03-25 delete address 5111 East 21st Street N. Wichita, KS 67208
2024-03-25 delete fax (316) 688-5687 5111
2024-03-25 insert about_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2024-03-25 insert address 5111 E 21st St N, Wichita, KS 67208
2024-03-25 insert career_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2024-03-25 insert career_pages_linkeddomain youtu.be
2024-03-25 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain cbd-dev.com
2024-03-25 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2024-03-25 insert index_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2024-03-25 insert management_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2024-03-25 insert person Deryl Schuster
2024-03-25 insert phone (316) 652-1547
2024-03-25 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2024-03-25 update person_description Linus Ohaebosim => Linus C. Ohaebosim
2024-03-25 update person_description Michael C. Burrus => Michael C. Burrus
2024-03-25 update person_description Patrick T. Jonas => Patrick T. Jonas
2024-03-25 update person_description Pete Meitzner => Pete Meitzner
2024-03-25 update person_title Pete Meitzner: Member of the Board; District 1 Sedgwick County Commissioner; Sedgwick County Commissioner ( District 1 ) => Member of the Board
2024-03-25 update primary_contact 5111 East 21st Street N. Wichita, KS 67208 => 5111 E 21st St N, Wichita, KS 67208
2023-10-16 insert otherexecutives Patrick A. Terick
2023-10-16 insert otherexecutives Sarah DeVries
2023-10-16 insert person Patrick A. Terick
2023-10-16 insert person Sarah DeVries
2022-07-18 delete otherexecutives Donald D. Sbarra
2022-07-18 delete otherexecutives Patricia M. Wilson
2022-07-18 delete otherexecutives Vivian M. King
2022-07-18 delete index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2022-07-18 delete person Donald D. Sbarra
2022-07-18 delete person Patricia M. Wilson
2022-07-18 delete person Vivian M. King
2022-06-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2021-01-26 delete otherexecutives Deryl K. Schuster
2021-01-26 delete person Deryl K. Schuster
2020-06-04 delete phone 1-866-968-7842
2020-06-04 delete phone 316-651-5215
2020-06-04 delete phone 316-651-5289
2020-04-04 insert phone 1-866-968-7842
2020-04-04 insert phone 316-651-5215
2020-04-04 insert phone 316-651-5289
2020-03-05 update person_description Daniel J. Taylor => Daniel J. Taylor
2019-06-03 update person_title Pete Meitzner: Member of the Board; District 1 Sedgwick County Commissioner => Member of the Board; District 1 Sedgwick County Commissioner; Sedgwick County Commissioner ( District 1 )
2019-06-03 update robots_txt_status www.cprf.org: 0 => 200
2019-03-31 delete otherexecutives Joyce Smith
2019-03-31 insert otherexecutives Dave Jones
2019-03-31 insert otherexecutives Dr. Timothy Koehler
2019-03-31 delete person Joyce Smith
2019-03-31 insert person Dave Jones
2019-03-31 insert person Dr. Timothy Koehler
2018-09-15 update robots_txt_status www.cprf.org: 200 => 0
2017-03-22 delete otherexecutives Bill Simon
2017-03-22 delete person Bill Simon
2015-05-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain cassandrabryan.com
2015-05-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain goo.gl
2015-05-23 update robots_txt_status www.cprf.org: 404 => 200
2013-08-12 delete index_pages_linkeddomain rivercityroll.org
2013-06-30 insert index_pages_linkeddomain rivercityroll.org