DAHLMAN - Key Persons

Gottfried Leberecht Dahlmann

Dahlman was founded in 1886 by Gottfried Leberecht Dahlmann, a German merchant and commissioner who wants to realize the export of German industrial products to the Netherlands. He chooses Rotterdam because he sees potential in this explosively growing port city and he establishes his office in Rotterdam. In the early years, Dahlmann probably works alone and delivers products like steel plates, pipes and fittings to shipyards in the Rotterdam Port. He also trades in cranes and drilling pipes for the BPM (Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij, a subsidiary of Shell). In 1906 he started a company with Messrs Beunderman, Kolff and Visker under the name "Technisch Bureau of G. L. Dahlmann". In 1908 the company was converted into a N.V. Gottfried Dahlmann died in 1913 in Kaiserswerth, Germany. The company continues to grow in Rotterdam with a wider range of products. Dahlmann increases the number of representations of major German companies and during this period it also establishes a branch in the Dutch East Indies. The bombing of Rotterdam city center on 14 May 1940 also destroyed Dahlmann's office. Almost all administration is lost. After the war, Dahlmann returned to Rotterdam to continue the business.

Mr. Arijus Skarbalius

Mr. Asen Petrov

Mr. Bojan Pavlovic

Mr. C. Lextrait

Mr. C. Vogels

Mr. C.N. Hwang

Mr. Eihab Maqbool Al Saleh

Job Titles:
  • OHI Petroleum & Energy Services LLC PO Box 889, Postal Code 100, Muscat, Oman

Mr. F. Nicolodi

Mr. Ivica Stipic

Mr. Jeff Pollard

Mr. Ludovic Kiss

Mr. T. Waghorn

Mr. Tomasz Milewski