D&D TINT - Key Persons

Bob Bronson

Job Titles:
  • Owner
  • Owner of D & D Window Tint
As the owner of D&D Window Tint, Bob has gained valuable knowledge and skills over the years that have created quite a resume. A jack of all trades, Bob has been involved in the automotive industry for over 40 years and is continually learning in order to perfect his skills. At the age of 16, Bob showed off his remarkable work ethic by learning how to install car stereos and quickly gained the award of Installer of the Year. Bob didn't stop there, he continued to work incredibly hard and worked his way up to a District Trainer then gained the title of District Manager of Installations. Whatever Bob is presented with in the automotive industry, he goes above and beyond and has developed an incredible repertoire of skills that he uses to this day. From Dallas to Nashville, Bob worked at multiple companies installing window tint as well as stereos and each new place he worked, he grew his knowledge base immensely. Along the way, his work ethic and love for the craft continued to grow. In 1994, he ended up working at D&D Window Tint where he eventually took over and bought the store a few years later, further proving his dedication to the automotive industry. Before devoting his focus completely to D&D Window Tint, Bob worked on an endless amount of projects that helped hone his skills. He learned how to install window tint, car stereos, and thrived on challenges that would grow his knowledge and push him to learn new things. He became the owner of D&D Window Tint in 1998 and the rest is history. Ever since 1998, Bob has provided customers with excellent customer service, and refined product installation that has them coming back time and time again. Bob continues to transition through his many hats, and is always looking to learn new skills. At one point, Bob specifically took a part time job focused on electronic repair so he could understand different troubleshooting issues and how to fix them so he could provide his customers with the utmost reliability in his work. Bob is a professional in the automotive field, and his work ethic has taken him to great heights over the years.