Cameron Splatt

Beginning his apprenticeship under Master Jeweller Mark Splatt in 2007, Cameron studied his Certificate 3 in Jewellery Manufacturing at Melbourne Polytechnic. Specializing in Statement Jewellery Design Cameron has also completed courses in Diamond Setting.

Jenny Splatt

Jenny specialises in Customer Service, Pearl Rethreading and Gem Stones. Starting at Diamond Creations in 1991 she offers a personal service with advice that can be easily understood.

Mark Splatt

Beginning his Jewellery apprenticeship in 1975 Mark trained as Manufacturing Jeweller at Perilbergs Fine Jewellery in Central Melbourne. He went on to establish Collins and Splatt Manufacturing Jewellers in The Manchester Unity Building in 1982. Specializing in repairs and handmaking for many of Melbourne's retail jewellers. In 1990 he decided to start his own business in Balwyn, with diamond setter Barry Phillips.