Dr. Sandra Sladden

Dr. Sandra Sladden is an established lawyer in Malta and a Partner in the Law Firm Sladden & Sladden, based in the Capital City Valletta, which Firm specializes in litigation and commercial law. Dr. Sladden specializes in Family Law and is also qualified to represent clients before the Ecclesiastical Tribunal in annulment cases. She has represented clients in International Child Abduction cases in the UK, Italy, USA and Australia. Her work with international child abduction cases across the world has exposed her to the realities of cross-cultural and cross-border legal systems. She has been appointed by various Judges as Family Law Legal Expert in a number of family law cases. She has held multiple challenging posts in government and the Parastatal sector, which has given her an invaluable grasp not only on the legal aspects to life but also on the managerial and practical side.