A.I.A. Delaware

Job Titles:
  • Professional Memberships

JOHN W. G. ROSECRANS - President

Job Titles:
  • Owner
  • President
Professionally, John is a member of AIA, NCARB. and serves as the Chair of the East Marlborough Township Historic Commission and is an eMi Representative for Pennsylvania and Delaware. He has also previously served on the Boards of the Chadds Ford Historic Society and the Chadds Ford Business Association. Since joining the firm, John has been delighted to meet, direct, design and oversee the construction of church facilities in many different states, denominations and architectural styles. His continuing desire to serve church clients to meet all their facility needs is paramount to his guidance of Dimensional Dynamics, Architects and Planners, Inc.


Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Founder of Dimensional Dynamics
Prior to his architectural training, Gordon spent nine years with the American Baptist Churches undertaking three pastorates with four different building programs. It was during this time that he realized when it came to church architecture there was an absence of any logical progression of priorities in Master Planning by architects and little awareness of the need for a functional, transitional use of spaces by church planners. This revelation challenged him to find a general model for church planning that would function as a tool for any congregation desiring to create a quality, functional facility that would meet their ministry needs and financial ability. Upon his graduation from the University of Illinois, his extensive knowledge of programming and design work was incorporated into a working relationship with private architectural firms, The American Baptist Extension Corporation, and Dimensional Dynamics. In addition to supervising the architectural programs for the American Baptist and Brethren Churches, Gordon formed Dimensional Dynamics in 1971 to deliver a variety of architectural and programming services to churches, camps, housing and health care organizations. Demonstration models of energy conservation and solar energy had been among his top priorities since 1974. Standards set by him for the American Baptist Extension Corporation have become the standards for most other denominations. Gordon died suddenly on September 11, 1993. He had been deeply committed to the future of churches as change agents for their communities and the church facility as an effective tool to enable ministry and mission to take place. His great joy was teaching others to first understand the church's mission and then apply sound planning principles to provide facility solutions based on that mission.