DOMUS REALTY - Key Persons

Alex Baird Allen

Job Titles:
  • Sales Agent
The perfect home is found where location, design, and sound investment intersect with the heart you bring to it. Alex has experience - educational, professional, and personal - that ticks each of these boxes. She has an in-depth understanding of how social, geographic, and economic forces influence the market and a life-long appreciation of art and design. Alex grew up on the south coast of New Brunswick (often drawing house layouts in the sand at the beach). She lived in BC as well as the UK and Japan, before moving back to the east coast and settling in Halifax in 2006. Here, she lives with her husband, two kids, and dog, in the house they renovated into a home that feels happiest when filled with friends, family, and good food. Community is important to Alex and she regularly volunteers in a variety of capacities, from local charities to her kids' school and minor sports. Alex is a certified yoga instructor and teaches at her neighbourhood studio. She loves to travel, is seldom without a book, and is always keen to get out for a good hike through the woods or by the ocean with her pup, Bowie. Alex holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History & Cultural Studies, a Diploma in Urban Land Economics, and an Advanced Diploma in GIS for Business. She is a Chartered Surveyor (MRICS) and a member of the Nova Scotia Real Estate Appraisal Association. She's also the mother of twins, which has helped hone her negotiation and mediation skills perhaps even to a larger extent than her formal training in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution ever could! With her educational and professional background, combined with her friendly, empathetic personality and excellent organizational skills, you can rest assured that when working with Alex, you will be well informed, supported, and likely to have a laugh or two.

Amy Quigley

Job Titles:
  • Licensed Assistant to Jeremy Snider
Amy joined the Domus team in 2020. She began her career in real estate in 2014 as a licensed assistant and also has experience as a brokerage transactions coordinator and a property manager. After graduating from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, Amy enjoyed helping clients for 10+ years in customer service in fine jewelry stores and art galleries. This experience provided her with key skills such as attention to detail and ensuring customer satisfaction. Born and raised in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Amy has lived in multiple provinces across Canada but has gladly returned to Halifax. She is thrilled to be back east, enjoying the salt air, the city and trips to Cape Breton. Amy understands that every transaction is different and she is committed to supporting clients throughout the process.

Kelly Cowan

Job Titles:
  • Licensed Assistant to Ernie Buote, FRI
Kelly began her career in real estate in 2001 as a licensed assistant to Ernie Buote. After graduating from Mount St Vincent University with a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree, Kelly joined Domus Realty, where she has dedicated over 20 years of service. Prior to her tenure at Domus Realty, she gained valuable experience working at Dalhousie University for over 5 years. Working in a large people-oriented institution equipped her with the skills to effectively communicate with and advise clients. In her spare time, Kelly enjoys pursuing her passion for fitness, having taught Zumba for over 10 years. She also takes great pleasure in watching her three teenage girls play basketball and soccer. Being a busy mom herself, Kelly understands the importance of finding a house that is not just a property but a home. She derives satisfaction from helping her clients envision the potential in an otherwise ordinary space. With her extensive experience at Domus Realty, Kelly brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to guide clients through their real estate journey.