DMC - Key Persons

Emma Gibert

Job Titles:
  • Team Leader
  • Team Leader, from Meccano to Sub Antarctica
As a little girl, Team Leader Emma Gibert preferred playing with Meccano over dolls. Now, she has been involved in designing maritime constructions for 17 years, all around the world. One of her most gratifying projects was designing the quay wall in King Edward Point on Sub Antarctica, one of the coldest and most remote locations in the world. "Originally I come from Spain, born and raised in Barcelona. In high school, I had a stronger affinity for the exact sciences. So, pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering was a logical choice. By working on civil structures, I contribute to something specific and tangible for society. That aspect attracted me to this field," says Emma.

Martijn Meijer

Job Titles:
  • Commercial Manager

Nhut Nguyen

Job Titles:
  • Senior Design Manager, about the Femernbelt Tunnel