Updated 31 days ago
47 Van Alstyne Drive Rensse laer, NY 12144
Since 1906, Empire State Forest Products Association (ESFPA) has been the forest products industry's source for information and public affairs in New York State. ESFPA is a non-profit organization for businesses and individuals and is dedicated to improving the business climate for the forest products industry while promoting management of New York's Forests to meet the resource needs of today and for future generations...
Today the Association enjoys a diverse and growing membership. Membership stands at over 400 businesses and individuals and is growing. Members include forest landowners, timber harvesters, furniture companies, lumber manufacturers, pulp and paper companies, and other wood product manufacturers from across New York state. Members own and manage 1.2 million acres of New York forests and employ over one-third of the 65,000 individuals employed in the forest products industry in New York state...
Also known as: Empire State Forest Products Association, Empire State Forest Products Association (ESFPA)