Victor Tse - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Founder
Victor Tse is the founder and music director of Frenzi Music Limted. He is an award-winning songwriter and producer. For over a decade, Victor has proven himself a consistent leader in the Music Industry. His versatile music style made him a sought after music producer. He has been active since he released his first published song for Jeff Chang in 1996 and won the champion of the C.A.S.H. competition in 1997. He has composed numerous chart-topping songs for major record label artists such as Eason Chan (陳奕迅), Eric Suen (孫耀威), Kay Tse (謝安琪), Hins Cheung (張敬軒), Leo Ku (古巨基), Vivian Chow (周慧敏), Twins, Cindy Wang (王心凌) and many others. Many of them earned recognition in various annual music awards. In addition to songs he composed, he is well-known for his music arrangement and song production abilities. He has worked with famous singers such as Janice Vidal (衛蘭), Juno Mak (麥浚龍), Miriam Yeung (楊千嬅), Jason Chan (陳柏字), Pong Nan (藍奕邦), Dear Jane, Anthony Wong (黄耀明) etc. In 2011, Victor co-founded Frenzi Music Limited with renowned singer-songwriter Vicky Fung. He focuses on developing uniquely styled new artists under their label. Successful new artists/bands/groups include Michael Lai (黎曉陽), Siu Hau Tang (鄧小巧), Nowhere Boys & per se. Besides song production projects, he actively participates in Film/TV Scoring/TVC Productions. Movie directors that he has worked with include: Vincent Kok Tak-Chiu (谷德昭), Gordon Chan Ka-Seung (陳嘉上), Barbara Wong Chun-Chun (黄真真), Wai Kar Fai (韋家輝), Pang brothers (彭氏兄弟) etc. Victor is dedicated to creating a better music culture for our future. He continues to take part in different roles such as educator, consultant and partner of music platform. He is one of the founders of Musicbee. He aims to nurture a better music culture. In year 2017, he received the most prestigious award in the industry, the CASH Golden Sail Music Awards, voted by all composers, authors and publishers. The song Silvery Hair (銀髮白) performed by Yoyo Sham (岑寧兒) & Eman Lam (林二汶), produced by Victor and his associates earned them the Best Song 2017. Victor is a very productive composer, his list of music and lyrics works accumulated to more than 400 titles registered under CASH. And throughout the years, he had gained experience to become an artist manager, show curator and educator.