Updated 15 days ago
P.O. Box 1517, Chiefland, FL 32644
Mission Statement Our Mission is to be the number one computer company most utilized by local businesses and residents, alike in the tri county area. We believe in providing high quality customer service, as we address all your computer needs. We're happy to answer any question, offer recommendations based on what you need and want, or offer to step in with our managed hardware, software, back-up and security services so you can be stress-free of issues while using your computer. We have your best interests at heart!... Here, at Gator Works Computing, we value our clients and make excellent customer service a priority. Unlike most computer based companies, we don't just simply repair the problem-we believe in educating! We not only want you to know what went wrong, but also why and how to avoid it in the future. Our goal is for you to enjoy your technology! These days everyone stays in touch through technology of some sort: texting a family member, emailing projects for work..
Also known as: Gator Works Computing, Inc.