Arlene Miller

Job Titles:
  • CEO of Jewel Consultancy
  • Expert
  • Senior Tutor
Arlene Cohen Miller is an A-V Rated Attorney (highest), a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation, and a Senior Mentor and Tutor with the Global Coaching Academy. She has been tutoring and mentoring our students for the past 7 years and we always have great feedback about her from our students. Arlene is an expert at negotiating and communicating from the heart. She has successfully structured and monitored thousands of settlements, and has helped people from all walks of life to communicate more authentically and effectively. Arlene is currently the CEO of Jewel Consultancy and specializes in leadership coaching and mentoring for women. She is passionate about supporting women in their unique journey to help them create the life that they desire, both personally and professionally, the life that lights them up and makes theirs hearts sing. Arlene brings a wealth of training and experience to help women compassionately and wholeheartedly lead themselves so that they can make a heartfelt difference in the world. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Emory University, a Juris Doctor from the University of Kentucky College of Law and is one of our outstanding graduates of our Certificate IV in Mentoring and Coaching. Arlene is the recipient of the prestigious President's Cup for lifetime service to the Commercial Law League of America, and currently volunteers at OUT Boulder, co-facilitating a weekly support group for Significant Others, Friends, Family and Allies of transgender men, women, teens and children.

Asifa Ali

Job Titles:
  • Counsellor
  • Student Support
Asifa Ali is a holistic counsellor as well as a coach and mentor. She is also a professionally qualified chef and had a brief foray into primary school teaching on her way to finding the modalities of coaching, mentoring and counselling where her true interest lies. She worked for many years in the field of Fostering & Adoption and as a commissioner of supported housing for vulnerable adults. She is passionate about ethics and their practical application in everyday life, and this encompasses her work as a mentor for people on their personal and spiritual development paths. Asifa has been an integral part of our team for a few years now and her role includes facilitating the module on ethics, as well as using her mentoring and coaching skills to support students who are going through the various self-reflective and awareness exercises during the course. Her ability to truly listen and sit with people serves her well in her role within the school, combined with her gentle manner and wisdom she brings a quality which helps our students feel they really CAN push through the difficult times. In addition to her coaching, mentoring, counselling and chef qualifications Asifa holds a B.A. Honours Degree in French and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Primary Education Studies.

Belinda Baillie

Belinda is the course creator and the head and heart of Global Coaching Academy. She has been working with people in a mentoring and coaching capacity for over 30 years, formalising this into a career around 15 years ago. Her passion is creating - whether it be artwork, courses or well-rounded mentors and coaches - Belinda immerses herself in bringing her best to her clients, students and artworks alike so that they shine and bring more love, hope and joy to the world. Belinda has formal qualifications in education, (a Grad Dip) as well as being a Master Certified Coach, artist, actor, agriculturalist (yes, really!) and many other odd bits and pieces which all weave together to bring a unique skill set to her career.

John Kurzer

Job Titles:
  • Admin
John offers a richness from life experience having lived a varied and interesting life ranging from working in management at a young age, working as an aged care nurse, running his own small business, circling Australia twice solo on a motorcycle and more. He has been part of the team since the early days of GCA. John has a diverse range of skills including greeting you at the gate at the first weekend, managing your rosters of student peer coaching, handling general crises and running all manner of errands. He is a trouble shooter, maintaining the grounds and repairs, keeping things running smoothly, and managing the administration department. He holds a Diploma of Holistic Counselling and our original Certificate IV in Mentoring and Coaching. His quiet, calm wisdom is valued by the team and students alike.

Julie Skinner

Job Titles:
  • Coach
Julie is a credentialed coach (PCC), mentor, coaching supervisor and facilitator with a background in mental health nursing. She co-facilitators the course with Belinda and loves the opportunity to support students development.