Updated 679 days ago
704 Maple Street Southwest, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota 56085, United States
We have many years of historic property development. Hire us to consult on every part of developing your historic property. We can travel to you anywhere, meet with your team and all interested parties, and offer real life experience. We will negotiate with municipalities, accountants, lawyers, community groups, other equity partners, banks and historic tax credit providers. We will do this in confidence when required... If the situation works for all parties, we will participate as equity partners or as "sweat equity partners," or a combination of both. Again we bring a wealth of experience and a "Rolodex full" of qualified architects, engineers and specialty contractors and sub contractors. (For those who need to know what a Rolodex is, Google it!) Legal entity creation is one of our specialties. Should we continue as a for profit, not for profit or a hybrid of both? We are happy to work with your lawyers and accountants. Some historic properties cannot be saved efficiently. If not..