Carol Brown Andrews

Job Titles:
  • Partner
Prior to joining Grindstone, Carol advised candidates and elected officials, as well as corporate clients and non-profit executives. For more than two decades, campaigns and corporations have sought her counsel during public crises. She has served as Communications Director for several campaigns on the presidential, US Senate, congressional, and gubernatorial level, and she has served in the administrations of two Governors. Known for wise strategic lead and calm steerage during a storm, Carol takes ownership in her clients.

Greg Talmage

Job Titles:
  • Principal
Greg brings nearly ten years of campaign research experience to the table. Having served as a Research Director for multiple statewide US Senate campaigns, Greg knows firsthand what separates a good research firm from a great research firm. From that experience, Grindstone was founded as a firm that would seek to go above and beyond the typical consultant-client relationship. Greg prides himself on a close relationship with each client. He only takes on work he knows he can fully service and will be right there with you through the end. When you call Grindstone about a question within the research, it will always be one of the firm's partners on the other end of the line.