Updated 26 days ago
Lettenbachstrasse 9 86874 Tussenhausen-Mattsies Germany
We are responsible to our colleagues, customers and suppliers, for the environment and the communities where we live and work. We seek to improve lives everywhere we operate, aiming for a healthy, safe and sustainable environment...
GROB AIRCRAFT, headquartered in Tussenhausen-Mattsies Germany, with its research, development, manufacturing and assembly facilities starts into a new future with the backing of H3 Aerospace as strategic partner. The new corporation operates under the name GROB AIRCRAFT SE, and is a 100% subsidiary of H3 Aerospace GmbH & Co KG...
We act honestly, ethically and legally in every thing we do. We honor our commitments and take personal responsibility for our actions. We strive for quality in what we do, and in the interactions with those around us.
Also known as: H3 Aerospace GmbH & Co
Associated domains: h3-aerospace.de, h3-aerospace.eu, h3aerospace.de