HERMADEN - Key Persons

Graehme Hall

Graehme worked in non-profit universities for 20 years, primarily in administration but also doing some teaching. She then transitioned from academia into administration in the world of non-profits. She has a master's degree from Michigan State University. (Graehme is a "feminine" version of the name Graeme...and is pronounced the same way.) When Graehme was still in high school, she met a wonderful woman who received ("channeled") the teachings of someone this woman identified as her spiritual guide. Graehme could feel the power of this presence, and the loving, uplifting nature of it. Graehme has always been a seeker. She has studied many spiritual and religious traditions, and the writings of many spiritual teachers. She always wanted to know why things happened the way they did, and better understand our power to work intentionally with the energies of the Universe. Throughout her life since then, Graehme has known people who received the teachings of non-physical teachers. She stopped thinking it was weird decades ago, although she recognizes that much of our society still doesn't understand it. When Graehme was in her 20's, she was introduced by a dear friend to the teachings of Seth as presented by Jane Roberts and Robert Butts, and to the idea that we create our own reality. Through other teachers, she was introduced to the idea of the Law of Attraction, the concepts of energy, vibration and frequencies. Later, she encountered the world of Abraham shared through Esther and Jerry Hicks. The Abraham-Hicks teachings resonated with Graehme deeply, because they were in alignment with so much she already understood to be true. Even some of the analogies Esther used were analogies Graehme had been using in her own teaching. Graehme has profound love and admiration for Esther Hicks, and considers Abraham and Esther to be the most powerful teachers on the planet today.