Alfredo Formisano

Job Titles:
  • Industry Leader
Alfredo Formisano is the Industry Leader at Iconsulting responsible for the manufacturing sector. He has more than 12 years of experience in Enterprise Data Architecture and Business Analytics and has deep knowledge of business processes and data modeling in the Enterprise sector. Within the industry mentioned above, Alfredo is currently leading projects related to the development of Data Platform for large Italian companies in order to support the main driving forces in the sector. An expert in Cloud Architecture and in the development and industrialization of Data Science models, Alfredo supports clients throughout the entire process, thanks to his pragmatic approach aimed at creating the necessary awareness that is sometimes overlooked in the Italian market.

Marco Mantovani

Marco Mantovani, in Iconsulting da più di 10 anni, si occupa principalmente di progetti dall'alto contenuto tecnologico e di ricerca, sfruttando un mix di concretezza e pensiero divergente. Marco è responsabile della Practice Big Data Platform, costantemente impegnato nello studio di nuove soluzioni in grado di arricchire e migliorare le Enterprise Data Architecture di aziende complesse in settori quali Energy, Telco, Media, Multi-Utility e Pubbliche Amministrazioni. Nel corso della sua carriera, attingendo al suo bagaglio tecnico, Marco ha sviluppato molte soluzioni di Location Intelligence, Streaming Analytics e IoT, che hanno generato vere e proprie solution di riferimento per aziende nazionali ed estere, ma anche best case presentate in conferenze internazionali. With more than 10 years at Iconsulting, Marco Mantovani mainly works on projects with a high technological and research content, leveraging a mix of concreteness and divergent thinking. Marco is responsible for the Big Data Platform Practice, constantly engaged in the study of new solutions capable of strengthening and improving the Enterprise Data Architecture of complex companies in such sectors as Energy, Telco, Media, Multi-Utility, and Public Administration. Capitalizing on his technical background, over the course of his career Marco has developed many Location Intelligence, Streaming Analytics, and IoT solutions, which have generated real solutions for domestic and foreign companies, but also served as best cases presented at international conferences.

Stefano Alpi

Job Titles:
  • Advisory Practice Manager
  • Senior Manager Della Practice Advisory Oltre Ad Essere Client Manager Per Alcuni Importanti Clienti Italiani Di Iconsulting.
Stefano Alpi è Senior Manager della Practice Advisory oltre ad essere Client Manager per alcuni importanti clienti italiani di Iconsulting. Stefano Alpi is an Advisory Practice Manager as well as Client Manager for several important Italian clients of Iconsulting. For over 12 years he has been providing consulting on Data Strategy, Enterprise Data Architecture, Performance Management, and Digital Data Transformation projects. Researching the latest methodologies and emerging technologies is one of the main investment guidelines of the Advisory Practice. One of Stefano's objectives is to introduce these innovations to Iconsulting projects and to support clients in the key phases of defining strategies concerning data, as well as guide them in the software selection, program roadmap, and subsequent application development aimed at reaching clients' goals. Stefano is now actively collaborating with universities and business schools, bringing his experience and innovation topics to Master's Degree and Executive Master courses.