Christopher Samwel - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
  • Founder and Guide
One of the most beautiful and impressive trips we have ever made!We spend twelve beautiful days with Christopher and Jaffed from "I dream of Afrika" on a wildlife and cultural safari in Tanzania. The safari was perfectly organized by Christopher, who diligently included all our preferences and wishes in a well-rounded and exciting tour, balancing the excitement of enjoying one of the planet's wildest and spectacular nature with unique personal encounters with locals and time for relaxation. With his experience of many years as guide and ranger, Christopher knows all the special places, is great at spotting animals and willingly shares his vast knowledge about them. Christopher even organized walking safaris with rangers at two of the parks, which is a treat not many tourists do, offering fascinating insights not observable from the backseat of a car. We also enjoyed hunting with the Hadza bushmen tribe and the spontaneous visit to the stunning Oluvai gorge, which Christopher made possible.During the Safari, we decided to stay on public campsites and enjoyed it a lot. The tent was quadruple the size of our tent back home, with comfy mattresses and great views.Jaffed was a great personal cook and kept us well fed with amazing pancakes and his love for italian food, but also amazing local dishes. We also won't forget our visit to the local food market and the Ugali-cooking lessons.We loved learning bits of Swahili from Christopher and Jaffed and to learn from them about Tanzania's complex cultures and traditions.Overall, we can wholeheartedly recommend Dreams of Africa. The well-organized experience of nature, wildlife and culture in Tanzania surpassed all our expectations. We will never forget the amazing time with Jaffed and Christopher. Our time in Tanzania with Christopher, Japhet and Warren was amazing. The trip was tailored to our wishes. We did a 10-day trip and visited Serengeti North & Central, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire and Loiborsoit (an off the beaten track Maasai village). Communication beforehand and during the trip was great. The food in the bush was great, Japhet excelled every day. Tanzania is an expensive country for tourists, mostly due to the high costs of the National Parks. The camping experience was great and greatly reduced the price compared to lodging. It was quite adventurous, so read up on what to expect. But in our opinion, it was the purest way to enjoy the beautiful nature. Loiborsoit was very special: we stayed in a guesthouse with good beds and hot water. Outside of the guesthouse, you'll experience the actual way of living of the Maasai. Our local guide, Lengai, left us with lifelong impressions. If you want to spend some days with the Maasai of Loiborsoit to learn about their culture, experience their way of living and enjoy their kindness, please visit and support them! You can find more information on massailand.com

Warren Samwel

Warren Samwel (1998) is Christopher's son and is working for the company since 2016. He mainly is involved with marketing and accounting, since he studied sales management and marketing at the Institute of Commercial Management in Arusha. Being part of I Dream of Africa makes Warren proud, as he can contribute to expand the tour operator business his father started. But also he wants to take his responsibility towards his family and community. Master bush chef is Japhet Arasululu, Christoper's cousin. His daily challenge is to provide ‘simple, delicious, healthy and generous meals during your road trip. And he does it really well! Christopher Paresso and Godfrey Kirimbay are the assistants of Japhet.