Andrea Krones

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director
Andrea started her first company in 2004 after a few years in the corporate world. She quickly realized that she loved every aspect of the design process. Working directly with clients allows her to bring their vision from an abstract idea to a clear and comprehensive brand statement. With a strong foundation in graphic design, a love of colour & fonts, and an appreciation for clean & modern design, she is able to bring these elements together for any project. Andrea recently moved from downtown Toronto to Guelph, a smaller city an hour west of Toronto. When she steps away from her computer you will find her exploring the neighbourhood around her downtown Guelph home, enjoying the nearby parks and trails, or escaping to the Ontario wilderness with her partner and two young children.

Kelley Gibson

Job Titles:
  • Director of Web Development
With over a decade of development experience, Kelley prides herself on having both the tech chops to get the work done and the customer service skills to ensure client satisfaction. With a brain equally stimulated by math and the arts, she finds coding to be the perfect balance. She loves turning designs into functioning websites and specializes in building sites with content management systems to give clients full, informed and easy control over their site content. When not hard at work on client projects or toiling away on her latest personal venture, she loves experiencing life through the eyes of her two daughters, running, trivia nights and endless games of fetch with her Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Phoenix.

Natasha Fransblow

Job Titles:
  • Junior Developer
Natasha began her development career building websites for arts entrepreneurs and organizations. A website developer by day and a classical pianist by night, she weaves her tech and coding skills with creative intuition to provide websites that help small businesses, artists, and entrepreneurs thrive. She loves collaborating with clients to find functional solutions that fit like a glove and make behind-the-scenes organization and management a breeze.