Barbara K. Immel - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Barbara K. Immel is president of Immel Resources LLC, and editor of the Immel Report TM. She has 28 years of industry experience. She worked in compliance and training, documentation and labeling, and corporate quality assurance for Syntex Corporation, Chiron Corporation, and Syva Company for more than 12 years before starting the company. She has been teaching well-respected compliance classes for many years, including teaching CAPA and investigations courses for nearly 10 years. Barbara serves as conference chairperson for FDAnews' annual FDA Inspections Summit. She is on the steering committee and has served as chair of the quality track for MedCon, a new medical device conference cosponsored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the nonprofit Xavier University. Barbara served as the regulatory compliance columnist with BioPharm International Magazine for more than 10 years. She has published more than 50 articles on a variety of industry topics in Pharmaceutical Technology, Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry, BioProcess International, Nutraceutical Business and Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology Europe, and BioPharm. She authored the Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals chapter for the Dekker Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology. Barbara has taught industry subjects at many companies, and at the University of California, Berkeley; the University of Wisconsin at Madison; the Rochester Institute of Technology; the University of Georgia, and Stanford University. She was elected by her peers to serve on the national training committees for two trade associations, PhRMA and PDA, where she helped plan and organize educational conferences for industry trainers for eight years. She created and taught biotechnology courses for UC Berkeley Extension for five years, and helped re-design the Drug Development Course and served as co-director of the course for several years. She is a graduate of the Buckley School of Public Speaking, the Stanford Professional Publishing Course, and the University of California, Santa Barbara. Honors and awards for which we are very grateful include Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in American Women, Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, and Who's Who in Finance and Business.