CJ Clark - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President
CJ Clark is the president and CEO of Intellitech Corporation, He has been the elected chairperson of the IEEE 1149.1 JTAG working group from 1996 to present. He has been active in other IEEE working groups such as IEEE 1149.4, 1149.6, 1532, P1149.7, P1581 and P1687. He has presented at International Test Conference, TECS (Testing Embedded Cores-Based Systems) Workshop, the Board Test Workshop, Ottawa Test Workshop, VLSI Test Symposium and HOST workshop. CJ also serves on the University of New Hampshire College of Engineering and Physical Science (CEPS) Advisory Board. He also serves on the UNH Department of Electrical Engineering Advisory Board. He has twice been the invited speaker for the USPTO patent examiner education program and frequent speaker at the IEEE lecture series on FPGAs. He is co-inventor on four US patent related to scan-based test, two Canadian, one Taiwanese patent with others pending world-wide..

Kareen Lefoley

Job Titles:
  • Senior Operations Manager
Kareen Lefoley is the Senior Operations Manager and joined Intellitech Corp in January 1993. With ten years of experience she manages all Intellitech day-to-day operations. Departments reporting to her include Human Resources (payroll, 401K administration, healthcare, employee benefits), Contract Administration (license agreements), Accounting (A/P, A/R, and Purchasing) and Production. Most recently, Mrs. Lefoley has coordinated the expansion of Intellitech to locations in California, Canada and Germany and now oversees international payroll and international office operations. Kareen has previously worked for ABAQUS Solutions providing support and distribution of the ABAQUS finite element analysis programs and complementary services.

Michael Ricchetti - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Technology Officer
Michael Ricchetti, Chief Technology Officer, is well known in the Design-for-Test industry for his expertise in DFT methodologies such as embedded core test and BIST (Built-In Self-Test). He is a Member of the IEEE and the Computer Society's Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC). Mike is active as a Working Group member in the IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan Standard, the P1149.6 Advanced I/O Test Standard and the P1500 Embedded Core Test Standard. He also chairs the newly formed TTTC Technical Activities Committee (TAC) on Silicon Debug and Diagnosis. Previously, Mike was with Synopsys as a Senior Staff Methodology Consultant and prior to that with Sunrise Test Systems, Cadence, and HP. He has over 20 years of experience in Design for Testability and has authored papers and participated in technical panels in the area of Design for Test.