Allegra Jenkins

Job Titles:
  • Executive Administrator
  • Executive Assistant to Stephanie Stevens
Allegra Jenkins is the dedicated Executive Assistant to Stephanie Stevens, bringing over 10 years of steadfast support across Stephanie's diverse business portfolio. A key figure in organizational efficiency, Allegra's attention to detail and commitment to excellence has been instrumental in managing the complexities of multiple businesses, including Stevens' Logistics. As a trusted confidante and strategic partner, Allegra plays a vital role in facilitating Stephanie's success through her exceptional skills and unwavering dedication.

Darielle Davis

Job Titles:
  • Web Administrator
Darielle Davis, a seasoned technical expert with over a decade of creative and technical industry experience, serves as the adept website administrator supporting Stephanie Stevens across her diverse business portfolio. In this pivotal role, Darielle not only ensures the seamless operation of multiple websites but also injects a creative flair into their online presence. Her expertise extends beyond routine administration, as she actively contributes to translating Stephanie's vision into the digital realm, harmonizing creativity and technical functionality across various online platforms.

Stephanie Stevens

Stephanie Stevens is a serial entrepreneur and visionary leader known for her dynamic impact across industries. As the owner and founder of a successful commercial cleaning company and a growing 3PL logistics venture, Stephanie combines operational excellence with strategic foresight. Beyond her businesses, Stephanie is the force behind a consulting company, offering expert guidance in areas like operational efficiency and business development. A sought-after speaker, she shares her insights on business strategy, management and leadership, inspiring others with her entrepreneurial journey and achievements. Stephanie's multifaceted expertise extends to coaching and consulting, where she empowers individuals and businesses to achieve their full potential. With a proven track record, Stephanie Stevens continues to redefine success, inspiring and guiding others through the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship.