INTER-RAIL GROUP - History of Changes

2024-06-27 delete source_ip
2024-06-27 insert source_ip
2022-06-17 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-12-14 delete person Santos Aguins
2021-09-22 delete otherexecutives Mario Fortella
2021-09-22 delete vp Steve Hockett
2021-09-22 insert otherexecutives Steve Hockett
2021-09-22 insert person Byron Walton
2021-09-22 insert person Justin Fuino
2021-09-22 insert person Michele Schraffenberger
2021-09-22 insert person Santos Aguins
2021-09-22 update person_title Bill Davis: Chief Mechanical Officer => Vice President of Rail Operations
2021-09-22 update person_title Bobby Gribbin: General Manager => Regional Manager
2021-09-22 update person_title Christina Nierenberg: General Manager => Director of Inspection
2021-09-22 update person_title Darrin Daigle: Regional Manager / ISO Represenative => Safety Manager
2021-09-22 update person_title James Handlin: Vice President Rail Operations => Vice President of Customer Service
2021-09-22 update person_title John Eifert: Regional Manager Mechanical Operations => General Manager of Mechanical Operations
2021-09-22 update person_title Mario Fortella: Safety Director => Director of Safety
2021-09-22 update person_title Steve Hockett: Vice President => Vice President of Operations
2020-06-25 delete vp Shawn Emanuel
2020-06-25 update person_description Bobby Gribbin => Bobby Gribbin
2020-06-25 update person_description Chris Pope => Chris Pope
2020-06-25 update person_description John Eifert => John Eifert
2020-06-25 update person_description Mike Gundersen => Mike Gundersen
2020-06-25 update person_description Shawn Emanuel => Shawn Emanuel
2020-06-25 update person_title Shawn Emanuel: Vice President => Honorary Vice President
2020-05-25 insert person Mike Gundersen
2020-04-25 insert vp Shawn Emanuel
2020-04-25 update person_title Chris Pope: Regional Manager => General Manager
2020-04-25 update person_title Shawn Emanuel: Senior General Manager => Vice President
2020-02-23 insert person John Eifert
2020-01-24 delete president Seth Ricketts
2020-01-24 delete svp Jim Azpell
2020-01-24 insert ceo Seth Ricketts
2020-01-24 insert president Jim Azpell
2020-01-24 update person_title Jim Azpell: Senior Vice President => President
2020-01-24 update person_title Seth Ricketts: President => CEO
2020-01-24 update person_title Shawn Emanuel: General Manager => Senior General Manager
2019-10-23 insert otherexecutives Mario Fortella
2019-10-23 delete person Mark Faulkenberry
2019-10-23 update person_description Bobby Gribbin => Bobby Gribbin
2019-10-23 update person_title Bobby Gribbin: Regional Manager => General Manager
2019-10-23 update person_title Mario Fortella: Safety Team Leader => Safety Director
2019-06-24 delete source_ip
2019-06-24 insert source_ip
2019-06-24 update robots_txt_status 404 => 200
2019-01-26 insert email
2019-01-26 insert person Bill Davis
2019-01-26 insert phone 812-593-0376
2018-05-26 insert email
2018-05-26 insert person Larry Holmquist
2018-05-26 insert phone 503-330-7756
2018-02-13 delete ceo Michael Kelley
2018-02-13 delete email
2018-02-13 delete person Michael Kelley
2018-02-13 delete phone 909-917-3223
2018-01-01 delete email
2018-01-01 delete person William Miskell
2018-01-01 delete phone 405-765-2349
2017-08-07 delete source_ip
2017-08-07 insert source_ip
2017-04-05 delete president Michael Kelley
2017-04-05 delete vp Seth Ricketts
2017-04-05 delete email
2017-04-05 delete person Francisco Oliver
2017-04-05 delete phone 510-231-2744
2017-04-05 insert email
2017-04-05 insert email
2017-04-05 insert person East Coast Ops
2017-04-05 insert person Steve Hockett
2017-04-05 insert person William Miskell
2017-04-05 insert phone 405-765-2349
2017-04-05 insert phone 951-858-5351
2017-04-05 update person_description Greg Farmer => Greg Farmer
2017-04-05 update person_description James Handlin => James Handlin
2017-04-05 update person_description Jim Azpell => Jim Azpell, Sr.
2017-04-05 update person_description Melinda Biehl => Melinda Biehl
2017-04-05 update person_description Seth Ricketts => Seth Ricketts
2017-04-05 update person_title James Handlin: V.P. Rail Operations => Member of the Leadership Team; V.P. Rail Operations; V.P. Switching Operations
2017-04-05 update person_title Jim Azpell, Sr.: V.P. Safety and Operations => Member of the Leadership Team; V.P. East Coast Operations
2017-04-05 update person_title Michael Kelley: CEO; Member of the Leadership Team; President => CEO; Member of the Leadership Team
2017-04-05 update person_title Seth Ricketts: Vice President; Member of the Leadership Team; President => President; Member of the Leadership Team
2017-02-08 insert president Seth Ricketts
2017-02-08 delete email
2017-02-08 delete person John Eifert
2017-02-08 delete phone 817-675-6404
2017-02-08 insert email
2017-02-08 insert person Christina Nierenberg
2017-02-08 insert phone 904-813-5502
2017-02-08 update person_title Francisco Oliver: General Manager - West - BNSF => General Manager
2017-02-08 update person_title James Handlin: Director of Switching Operations => V.P. Rail Operations
2017-02-08 update person_title Seth Ricketts: Vice President; Member of the Leadership Team => Vice President; Member of the Leadership Team; President
2017-02-08 update person_title Shawn Emanuel: General Manager - TDSI and NS => General Manager
2016-10-14 delete phone 909-594-0517
2016-10-14 insert phone 909-917-3223
2016-06-04 delete source_ip
2016-06-04 insert source_ip
2016-03-14 update website_status OK => DomainNotFound
2016-01-18 delete email
2016-01-18 delete email
2016-01-18 delete person Keith Higgins
2016-01-18 delete person Larry Holmquist
2016-01-18 delete phone 503-241-6383
2016-01-18 delete phone 510-746-6517
2015-06-18 delete email
2015-06-18 delete person Craig Millbauer
2015-06-18 delete phone 706-336-0051
2015-04-22 delete email
2015-04-22 delete person Christina Nierenberg
2015-04-22 delete phone 904-813-5502
2015-04-22 insert email
2015-04-22 insert person Keith Higgins
2015-04-22 insert phone 510-746-6517
2015-02-25 delete email
2015-02-25 delete person Tim Parker
2015-02-25 delete phone 913-287-8239
2015-01-19 update person_title Jim Azpell: Director of Safety and Quality => V.P. Safety and Operations
2014-11-10 insert email
2014-11-10 insert person Jim Azpell
2014-11-10 insert phone 856-304-0275
2013-12-03 delete source_ip
2013-12-03 insert email
2013-12-03 insert person James Handlin
2013-12-03 insert phone 903-738-7809
2013-12-03 insert source_ip
2013-08-13 delete email
2013-08-13 delete person Brooke Ricketts
2013-08-13 delete person Jordan Glasmacher
2013-08-13 delete person Ken Howes
2013-08-13 delete phone 734-753-5702
2013-08-13 delete phone 801-977-9476
2013-08-13 update person_title Craig Millbauer: General Manager - UP - NS => General Manager - UP
2013-08-13 update person_title Seth Ricketts: Vice President; General Manage R => Vice President; Member of the Leadership Team
2013-08-13 update person_title Shawn Emanuel: General Manager - East => General Manager - TDSI and NS
2013-05-07 delete email
2013-05-07 delete phone 310-562-9349
2013-05-07 insert email
2013-05-07 insert person Christina Nierenberg
2013-05-07 insert phone 904-813-5502
2013-05-07 update person_title Shawn Emanuel: Training and Resource Manager => General Manager - East
2013-03-06 insert otherexecutives Seth Ricketts
2013-03-06 insert email
2013-03-06 insert email
2013-03-06 insert person John Eifert
2013-03-06 insert person Shawn Emanuel
2013-03-06 insert phone 205-903-8950
2013-03-06 insert phone 817-675-6404
2013-03-06 update person_title Craig Millbauer
2013-03-06 update person_title Seth Ricketts