J AND K HOUSE CLEANING - History of Changes

2020-03-15 delete alias jandkcleaning.com
2020-03-15 delete source_ip
2020-03-15 insert address 83 North Beacon St Watertown, MA 02472-2611
2020-03-15 insert alias J and K House Cleaning Co.
2020-03-15 insert alias J&K Cleaning Co.
2020-03-15 insert email ja..@gmail.com
2020-03-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain jasperitinc.com
2020-03-15 insert phone (781) 330-4785
2020-03-15 insert phone 02472-2611
2020-03-15 insert source_ip
2020-03-15 update name jandkcleaning.com => J and K House Cleaning
2020-03-15 update primary_contact null => 83 North Beacon St Watertown, MA 02472-2611
2020-03-15 update robots_txt_status www.jandkcleaning.com: 200 => 404
2020-03-15 update website_status DomainNotFound => OK
2019-10-07 update website_status IndexPageFetchError => DomainNotFound
2019-09-04 update website_status OK => IndexPageFetchError
2018-12-12 update website_status DomainNotFound => OK
2018-12-12 delete source_ip
2018-12-12 insert source_ip
2018-08-24 update website_status OK => DomainNotFound