JANDS - History of Changes

2023-08-05 delete email te..@jands.co.nz
2023-08-05 insert email cu..@jands.co.nz
2023-05-31 insert phone 09 941 9780
2023-04-16 insert address The Hangar Catalina Bay 2/2 Boundary Road, Hobsonville, Auckland 0618
2023-04-16 update primary_contact null => The Hangar Catalina Bay 2/2 Boundary Road, Hobsonville, Auckland 0618
2022-12-11 delete phone (+61) 2 9582 0909
2022-12-11 delete phone (+64) 9 884 1132
2022-10-09 delete address Locked Bag 15 Mascot NSW 1460 Australia
2022-10-09 insert email te..@jands.co.nz
2022-10-09 insert phone (+64) 9 884 1132
2022-10-09 update primary_contact Locked Bag 15 Mascot NSW 1460 Australia => null
2021-12-08 insert phone (+61) 2 9582 0909
2020-03-23 insert support_emails su..@jpro.co.nz
2020-03-23 delete email to..@jpro.co.nz
2020-03-23 insert email br..@jpro.co.nz
2020-03-23 insert email qu..@jpro.co.nz
2020-03-23 insert email su..@jpro.co.nz
2019-10-20 insert email jo..@jpro.co.nz
2019-08-21 insert email to..@jpro.co.nz
2016-12-30 delete sales_emails sa..@jands.co.nz
2016-12-30 insert general_emails he..@jands.co.nz
2016-12-30 delete address 6A Doncaster Street Auckland 2022
2016-12-30 delete email sa..@jands.co.nz
2016-12-30 delete fax 09 275 8790
2016-12-30 insert address 6A Doncaster St Mangere Auckland 2022 New Zealand
2016-12-30 insert address PO Box 107070 Auckland Airport Auckland 2150 New Zealand
2016-12-30 insert email he..@jands.co.nz
2016-12-30 insert phone +64 9 275 8710
2016-12-30 update primary_contact 6A Doncaster Street Auckland 2022 => 6A Doncaster St Mangere Auckland 2022 New Zealand
2016-01-23 delete address 6A Doncaster Street Mangere AUCKLAND 2022
2016-01-23 insert address 6A Doncaster Street Auckland 2022
2016-01-23 update primary_contact 6A Doncaster Street Mangere AUCKLAND 2022 => 6A Doncaster Street Auckland 2022
2015-02-22 insert sales_emails sa..@jands.co.nz
2015-02-22 insert email sa..@jands.co.nz
2013-07-12 delete email bm..@jands.co.nz
2013-07-12 insert email yf..@jands.co.nz
2013-04-15 insert finance_emails ac..@jands.co.nz
2013-04-15 insert email ac..@jands.co.nz
2013-04-15 insert email jb..@jands.co.nz
2013-04-15 insert phone 09 913 6213