Updated 4 days ago
- Age: 32 years
- ID: 7213857/151
P.O. Box 720010, San Jose, California 95172
Joint Venture Silicon Valley is a think tank created and supported by the major sectors (business, government, labor and academia). Through the Institute for Regional Studies, the organization provides research assessing the Valley's challenges and opportunities; Joint Venture is also a platform where leaders develop shared priorities and take collaborative action... Founded in 1993, Joint Venture Silicon Valley is a think tank that catalyzes action by spotlighting issues and by convening the region's leaders for collaborative action to equitably benefit the entire community. The nonprofit organization-created and funded by stakeholders from business, government, academia, labor, and nonprofits-provides research, analysis, and a neutral platform for collective solutions. Our approach fosters consensus-building and collective action on vital issues such as economic development, infrastructure, transportation, and education. Analysis and research is provided by the organization's..