KMDG - Key Persons

Brad Lewter

Job Titles:
  • Website Developer

Cameron Ogletree

Job Titles:
  • Lead Systems Engineer
What do you do? Design, implement, maintain, and evaluate simple and complex information technology systems using my wide range of knowledge, experience, and problem solving skills. When you are not beating on the keyboard what are you doing? Rocket photography, and runing collaborative storytelling events across the nation.

Georgine Mikalsen - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
What do you do? Manage all/most KMDG client relationships and projects. Receive and distribute large and small tasks amongst the team and make sure everyone is on task and meeting deliverables. Build web pages, support graphics and help manage content/updates. Manage KMDG overall office operations. When you are not beating on the keyboard what are you doing? Working out, playing Candy Crush or cooking. What fictional character would you vote for President? I need to think about this one...

Jake Finley

Job Titles:
  • Senior Full Stack Engineer

Robert Kammel - President

Job Titles:
  • Art Director
  • President

Roberta Costa

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer, Front End Specialist
What do you do? I build out the custom modules and CSS for our WordPress theme to make sure each client gets a bespoke website. I'm also in charge of the office lunch order on Fridays.

Tom Smarrito

Job Titles:
  • Senior Designer
Born in New Jersey but once old enough, the family packed up and got out of there (seemed that's what everyone was doing at that time). I was raised in Orlando and was introduced to art at an early age by my older brother, Mike, drawing cartoons from my mentor at that time, Alfred E. Newman. Thought of art school but attended the University of Central Florida instead and graduated with a degree in Graphic Design. While in college, I had the fortune to study abroad in Scotland and spent two weeks studying art, meeting the locals and taking in all the sights…and great beer!