Chad Caro

Chad Caro started in the garage door business as a subdivision installer in 1994 in Pensacola, Florida. He moved to Virginia Beach, Virginia in 1996 where he was quickly thrown into the commercial and maritime ship overhead door deep end and learned how to engineer garage doors from scratch to solve any problem. In 1999 he settled in Middle Tennessee working as the lead commercial installer and service manager at local garage door companies. In 2008, in the midst of the biggest housing crisis in recent history, Chad started Kingdom Doors in Franklin, Tennessee in order to have a flexible schedule while his wife was hospitalized with an aggressive spinal tumor off and on for a few years while their three sons were still young. In 2019, with all of the boys grown and flown and not interested in the garage door business, Chad kept his favorite custom home builders but started working full time at the Nashville Rescue Mission to fulfill the calling on his life. The men in the program at the Mission have forever changed his life. However, 2020 brought a bigger life change than 2008 for everyone, namely a pandemic. The pandemic closed the business his youngest son, Clay, was working in on Lower Broadway in Nashville and soon Chad was advising Clay on how to grow Kingdom Doors again in earnest. As we sit in 2021, Chad is retiring from the Mission to come full circle and help Clay keep up with the growth of Kingdom Doors. It truly is a calling of its own for Chad, his family and the customers he serves.

Clay Caro

Clay Caro was born and raised in Middle Tennessee, graduating from Centennial High School in Franklin in 2017 and attending Middle Tennessee State University afterwards. He has never known a time in his life when garage doors were not a big part of his world. He is very grateful to finally be tall enough to load garage doors on top of the truck. Through the pandemic closing the business he worked for, Clay has now made running Kingdom Doors alone his mission. As things have grown beyond his capacity to keep up with demand, he has finally let Chad come back to hand him the correct drill bit this time around.