KSG - Key Persons

Chris Stanton

Chris Stanton is a wise, experienced advisor to many successful construction and design companies. He cares deeply about his clients, and is an excellent collaborator, strategic advisor, clarifier, and coach. He is a provocateur of sustainable change and respected business leader who champions the philosophy that the best leaders are the discoverers and developers of other peoples' human potential. Chris is quick to identify and help remove obstacles to success, and is passionate about helping people solve complex problems, discover new capacities, and lead lives of personal and professional integrity. As founder of one of the S.F. Bay Area's most successful construction companies and with 25+ years of CEO experience, he is well versed in all aspects of growing, running, and selling a highly profitable business. Chris has an M.A. degree in Consciousness Studies and speaks nationally about leadership, developing talent, succession, and turning obstacles into opportunities. He holds the following certifications in diagnostic assessments: CPBA, CPVA, CAIA, and is a certified Values Technologies™ provider. Chris is also the Principal of Inverness Construction Management, a boutique company providing Owner Representation services to discerning high-end residential clients in Northern California and Los Cabos, Mexico.

Jim Kelley

Job Titles:
  • Business Consultant
Jim Kelley died suddenly in early 2011 after a brief illness. He was an extraordinary man-brilliant, fearless, and totally devoted to his family, friends and clients. A steadfast friend and masterful coach/consultant, Jim profoundly transformed the lives of everyone lucky enough to work and play with him. An energetic manifestation of appreciation, he taught us all how to open our hearts, laugh at our human foibles, and embrace possibility. I miss him tremendously. Jim was a world-class collaborator, individual- team-systems coach, and accomplished facilitator with a proven track record of helping leaders and their teams clarify their purpose, ignite their people, and accelerate their success. Jim had over 25 years of experience in organizational design, group process, cultural transformation, leadership development and interpersonal communications training. The former president of The Leadership Network and Startec Associates, Jim was also a senior trainer/consultant who conducted many workshops and trainings for open audiences, the military, and numerous Fortune 500 companies. He held an M.S. degree in administration and is a certified hypnotherapist specializing in stress management. A retired Air Force officer with military intelligence, programming, budgeting, procurement and command experience, Jim taught at the university and graduate school levels