KITCHENCO - Key Persons

Khaled Harb

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager
Khaled Harb is an experienced hotelier with more than 10 years of experience and a bachelor's degree in hospitality from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Keen on business development and customer acquisitions, Mr. Harb has maintained an ever-growing annual project execution rate each year.

Sameer Mahamood

Job Titles:
  • Showroom Manager
graduate with Sales & Marketing background, Sameer Mahamood has joined Kitchenco Sales Team in 2011. In 2017, he was promoted to be the manager of Kitchenco showroom, playing an essential role in streamlining scheduled deliveries and in time management.

Shehla Subhani

Job Titles:
  • Executive Assistant
Shehla Subhani joined Kitchenco during its inception in 1998 and has been with the company for over two decades. Besides handling administrative processes, Ms. Subhani handles Kitchenco's logistics as well as stakeholder coordination, and has been a key figure to its administration activities.