Lisa McCoy - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Director
Lisa McCoy has a background in human services, community development and project management in both Canada and Australia spanning almost 30 years. Her extensive experience has helped her to understand the range of complex needs that many communities, families, young people and individuals can face in their lives. Lisa's expertise lies in effective and inclusive community engagement and consultation, research, project management, facilitation and evaluation. Lisa has extensive experience in community and strategic planning including youth specific planning and research and consultation focussing on rural young people. Lisa has a Diploma in Social Service Work, an IAP2 Certificate in Engagement, a Certificate 4 in Workplace Learning and Assessment, completed accredited mediation training through Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria and is currently completing a Certificate in Plain Language. Lisa is a member of IAP2 Australasia, a former long-standing Benalla Health Board member and the current Deputy Chair of Benalla Health's Community Advisory Committee.

Rachael Williams - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Director
Rachael Williams has a background in rural sociology, research and community development spanning 27 years. With a Bachelor of Arts degree (Honours) in Rural Sociology Rachael is now completing a PhD researching community capacity for self-help with a specific focus on the respective role of individuals, communities, business and government.