Bruce MacLellan - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director

Crystal Porter

Job Titles:
  • Member of the GLOBAL TEAM
  • MAI Principal
Crystal is an MAI Principal. She is a bilingual professional assisting international companies and government agencies with their approach to the US market through export readiness analysis, in-market matchmaking and market research studies.

Diane Alleva Cáceres - Founder, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Member of the GLOBAL TEAM
Diane Alleva Cáceres, based in Atlanta, Georgia and Bruce MacLellan, in Halifax, Nova Scotia were introduced to each other in 2000 by the State of Georgia's trade representative in Toronto, Ontario. Bruce was looking for a partner to bid on a request for proposal to design and implement a Team Canada Atlantic trade mission to Georgia, led by then Canadian Prime Minister, Jean Chrétien. The state representative recommended Bruce contact Diane who had established Market Access International, Inc. in Atlanta a few years earlier. The two quickly found common ground, bid on and won the project and many, many more, marking the beginning of a long, fruitful relationship that continues today. Bruce subsequently rebranded his own firm as Market Access International Canada, Inc. Diane is Founder and Managing Director of Market Access International, Inc. (MAI, Inc.). She oversees the company's growth, management and provides technical assistance in international trade, investment and enterprise development. For the 14th year, the MAI team of industry, trade and investment specialists - Diane Alleva Caceres, Crystal Porter,

Douglas L. Wood

Job Titles:
  • Principal at MAI
Doug is a Principal at MAI. With over 20 years of experience in the many facets of small and medium sized-enterprise economic development, Doug has been a consultant to national and international governments in developing sector strategies.

Shiellach McDougall

Job Titles:
  • Principal