Heather Demastus

Job Titles:
  • Dental Hygienist With Dr. Wilson
Heather has been a dental hygienist with Dr. Wilson since 2001. She loves providing her patients with great oral hygiene and education, which will last a lifetime. Heather wants her patients to feel "at home" in her care. She also serves as the implant coordinator for the office. Heather and her husband are Franklin, TN natives. Her husband is a firefighter with the City of Franklin. They enjoy spending time with their son, A.J., and watching him play various sports.

Jennifer Bowers

Job Titles:
  • Dental Assistant
Jennifer has been a dental assistant since September of 2013. She has the important role of assisting Dr. Wilson during restorative procedures. She wants her patients to be comfortable and have a good understanding of the procedures being performed. She works hard to keep all office equipment sterilized, updated and running smoothly. Jennifer, a recent widow, is a Tennessee native along with her two sons, Reid and Alex. They enjoy spending time together cheering on their favorite football team - The Georgia Bulldogs!