SANTA MARTA - Key Persons


MINERA DE SANTA MARTA, S. A. is a Spanish leading company in the production and commercialization of natural anhydrous sodium sulphate. Currently MSM has 2 production plants located in the provinces of Burgos and Toledo. MSM is part of SAMCA, an industrial and mining Group, and it has a consolidated and widespread presence both in national and international markets, with sales in all continents. The minerals used for the production of MSM's anhydrous sodium sulphate are glauberite and thenardite. MSM's production process counts with the most advanced technology, completely respectful with the environmental standards. It allows to obtain extremely dry products of the highest purity in Na 2 SO 4 content, with an absence of alkalineearth metals and heavy metals. MSM's products have a wide range of mean particle sizes ranging from single crystals of 160 µm to 750 µm.