Ellen Saxby

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
  • Executive
Ellen Saxby, RN had 20 years of nursing experience before beginning her practice in the field of Biofeedback. She worked for seven years as a Biofeedback clinician before expanding into the field of Neurotherapy. She was trained by Eugene Peniston PhD, a pioneer in the field of Neurofeedback, the founder of the "Peniston Protocol" which uses Alpha Theta training for prevention of relapse in addictions. She helped develop an Alpha Theta training program in Pacific Grove to work with people suffering from addiction disorders, and the treatment of anxiety and depression in recovering alcoholics. Her experience also includes work with traumatic brain injury and seizure disorder. She is a founding member of the International Society for Neuronal Regulation and served on its Board for three years. Her study, "Alpha-Theta Brainwave Neurofeedback Training: An Effective \Treatment for Male and Female Alcoholics with Depressive Symptoms" completed with Dr. Peniston, was published in The Journal Of Clinical Psychology. In addition to Neurofeedback training, she teaches workshops and classes in meditation.

Max Cajar

Job Titles:
  • Neurotherapy Technician
  • Research & Reading

Richard Vieille

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Director
I have a doctoral degree in clinical psychology and have been providing psychotherapy, couples counseling, and leading therapy groups in the Monterey Peninsula area for more than 25 years. Besides working in private practice, I have worked in community counseling centers, a university counseling center, and a mental hospital. For the past 15 years, I have included neurofeedback training as part of my approach and have steadily gained respect for its value in helping people attain a degree of mental health and stability they never thought they'd have. I still maintain a private psychotherapy practice, but in 2012 I opened the Monterey Bay Neurofeedback Center with colleagues Ellen Saxby and Bonny McGowan and am its clinical director.